Welcome to Colin Heritage
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Introducing Colin Heritage

From past to present: our mission - to tell the story of the Colin area

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Rich heritage, bright future

“Like a microcosm of Irish history": learn about the complex history of Colin"

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Colin Heritage trail

We’ve built a trail linking some fascinating people and places

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Spotlight on the Troubles

Military intrigue, Bobby Sands MP, DeLorean and the 1994 ceasefires

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Special places, special people

A medical pioneer, a 1798 revolutionary, a unique female explorer, the Lion of Dunmurry: all these and much more

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A Rich Past, A Bright Future

Welcome to Colin Heritage, the website setting out the Northern Ireland history and context of the area we live in. 

The Colin area encompasses a large stretch of the outskirts of Belfast and Lisburn, from Dumurry to Hannahstown, but focused on the areas of Twinbrook, Poleglass, Lagmore and Kilwee, over-looked by Colin Mountain.

We have a fascinating history. Indeed, it has been said that the history of our area is a microcosm of the belfast history of Ireland itself.

From Celtic times, to the early development of Belfast, through Penal days, the United Irishmen, the rise of the Linen industry, medical legend Frank Pantridge, the Troubles and beyond – we have it all. 

Come and join us!

Statue of Frank Pantridge
Northern Ireland history
Colin Heritage Trail is a not just a journey around Colin, but it is in essence a journey through Ireland’s past, present and future. Centred around the historic Cloona House (above), we have compiled trails that tell the rich history of Colin.
Our trails begin and end at Cloona – the restored big house with a unique history, where a special lectern is being created with information about the building and its inhabitants. Other places with signage include Teeling’s Mill (above).
Frank Pantridge

There’s also a totem to Frank Pantridge, who has a road named after him, and to Bobby Sands.
Each piece of signage has a QR code to allow you to play videos on your phone or other device to find out more information. A trail leaflet containing more detail is also available.

Line drawing of Belle Steele with cow horn

People make history and Colin has been home to some legendary figures. Penal Laws hero Belle Steele (above), IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands (centre), brilliant medic and inventor Frank Pantridge to name but a few, all of them remembered on the trail.

Bobby Sands’ funeral is believed to have been the largest ever in Ireland and he is credited with a strategic change in republican thinking that led to the 1994 IRA ceasefire. Frank Pantridge’s invention of the portable defibrillator has saved tens of thousands of lives.
Beatrice Grimshaw (above) was a pioneering female adventurer and author who led an exotic life on the high seas and on the Pacific rim writing best-selling novels and tales of derring-do.
Cloona House
Places, too, are central to our history. From Cloona House, to hidden mass rocks (above); lovely churches to mysterious graveyards; Norman forts to linen mills and military headquarters. The walls of Cloona House can tell a tale or two, from ghost stories to the planning of the disastrous 1970s internment operation that led to Bloody Sunday.
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Fascinating too, and representative of yet another key moment in Irish history, is what’s left of Teeling’s Mill (above), family business of Bartholomew Teeling, hanged for his role in the 1978 uprising of the United Irishmen.
Photo showing Colin Connect transport hub and the town square sign
But we have modern classics, too, like the new Colin Connect transport hub (above), an architectural gem that’s well worth a visit. With it’s ultra-modern shape and design, it’s a Belfast classic already even though it’s not long opened.

Explore Colin's heritage in video

Big houses, bigger personalities, revolution, military disaster, political intrigue – all this and more make up our rich history. Amongst the resources we have developed is a series of videos that tell the stories and in a compelling and entertaining way, led by our eminent historical advisor, Dr Eamon Phoenix. 

Below is a trailer. Find out more on our video page

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Latest from our blog

Detailed Colin historical timeline created

A detailed timeline of historical events in the Colin district has been pulled into a single document aimed specifically at …

Colin Heritage signage content is unveiled

After in-depth research and deliberation, Colin Neighbourhood Partnership has revealed the key historical people and places being included on the …

Colin Neighbourhood Partnership launches Colin Heritage project

Colin Neighbourhood Partnership is excited to reveal further details of our exciting Colin Heritage project that will be unveiled soon. …

Cloona House - at the heart of our past, present and future

At the heart of our heritage efforts are two things: the heritage trail, and historic Cloona House.

Cloona, a Victorian mansion in Italianate style, was once the preserve of wealthy families like the Grimshaws and the Jaffes.

Then it became the residence of the British General Officer Commanding (GOC), the head of the British army here. It was a key hub for military and stategic planning during World War II.

When the Troubles broke out in 1969, Cloona was still home to the GOC and military operations, including internment, were planned here.

It was only in the early 1980s, that the military left Cloona and it was taken over by the Catholic Church and used for many religious and community initiatives.

Today, Cloona is at the heart of Colin, and is the base for Colin Neighbourhood Partnership and other community initiatives. 

We hope to further develop Cloona and restore some or all of it to its former glory in the future. You can find out more about Cloona in our video: The Secrets of Cloona House